Hi! I’m Linda. I'm a snowbird along with Hubby Jerry and we split our year between Olympia, WA and Casa Grande, Arizona, and places in between. We’re retired (well, I was…but that’s another story…) and decided life in an RV suits us just fine. I always have my kitchen with me and we’re home no matter where we park.God gave me the nudge to write and orchestrated my introduction to The Writing Room online. There I found support to write, share, and embrace the revelation that I’m a writer. (Who knew?) A whole new adventure began. Online I found my tribe. Handy, that, since it’s hard to join a group when you’re on the move.I write to express my journey with Jesus, and to encourage others in their own. Join me. And let me know if what I have to say resonates. Or not.
A Place In The World
When I was younger, I knew I belonged to my family. Or did I? My older siblings would tease me about being found under a cabbage leaf—as though I arrived any differently from them.Mom told the story of how she was so certain I was a boy... read more here
Darkness tries to hide so many things. Sneaky plans to derail us. Destructive forces at work. Slimy thoughts and self-indulgent actions.But it only takes a tiny bit of light to push darkness aside and... To read more
Poetry Corner
Enlarging My Tent
Stretch? Enlarge my tent?
My tent is just the right size for me,
Thanks anyway.
You want to lengthen the tent ropes?
Stretch out the curtains and make room?
We’re talking growth here, right?
Leaving what’s familiar, comfortable…It means stepping out on the water
Like Peter, to walk
Where faith alone
Supports me.
To face challenges
That make my heart pound.
Places that fill me with dread,
And excitement.The spark of life and hope
Fans a blazing fire
Consuming fear
Burning away dross
Devouring strongholds.
Purified, refined, malleable
I yield.
Hammer in hand, I pull up those stakes.
I stretch out the walls
To make room
With anticipation
For what’s next.(Published in the Fifth Annual Swallow’s Nest, 2023)
How fun it's been to contributor to these books.
"I'm a published author!" I never expected to be able to say that.
The links will take you to where you can purchase your own copy of these books. It's heavily weighted on the poetry side, since I love poetry. And short things.
Meet me in The Writing Room Online
Wednesdays at 10am/PT, 11am/MT, 12pm/CT, 1pmET.
Contact me for more information.Future Events will be added here.
Who knows where you'll find me? Or what I'll be doing.
Contact Me
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I'm so glad you visited my site.
I hope you were encouraged!